Oath of Nurses Degree, Dean of FKp: Give the Best Service Tuesday, 07 May 2024 09:23

UNAIR NEWS - Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an oath ceremony. The sacred event was held at Graha BIK-IPTEKDOK Building, Faculty of Medicine, Dharmahusada-A Campus UNAIR, Wednesday, April 24, 2020.

Officially sworn in 122 generalist nurses and 11 medical-surgical nursing specialist nurses. All nurses have taken all competencies both in the type transfer program and regular in hospitals, nursing homes, communities and several other places.

“All nurses have undergone competency tests and have been declared competent in the exams,” said Dr. Ika Yuni Widyawati, SKep Ns MKep Ns SpKep MB, vice dean I FKp UNAIR.


Long Process
Ners Vega Juliandana as the representative of nurses also congratulated all generalist and specialist nurses on their new degree. He said that the whole process they went through was very long and often sacrificed many tears.

“Each of us has a long story for two semesters. Alhamdulillah, we can release every burden today. However, I am sure after this there are still many burdens of life that we go through after leaving this building,” he said.

In addition, Ners Ivan Maulideni, as the chairman of the inauguration also hopes that after this, all graduates can achieve their respective passions. And, still uphold the value of the university. He hopes that all nurses will continue to establish friendship between graduates, seniors, and younger siblings.

Meanwhile, Ners Rustiana Tasya Ariningpraja SKep MBiomed Ns SpKep MB, a specialist nurse representative also delivered her message. She reminded all nurses to commit to implementing evidence-based practices. “We must be a different person from yesterday and always be committed, especially for specialists, to implementing evidence-based practices,” she said.


Message to Alumni
Also present at the event was the Chairman of UNAIR Alumni Family Association (IKA), Dr. Mohammad Hasinudin. He also advised all nurses to always give the best service to the community. Of course, without leaving the values of the alma mater. He emphasized that they must serve all clients well. Because, every service will be a jariyah charity for a nurse.

Prof. Yusuf said that nurses are the place where patients complain. This is one of the factors that nurses are influential in determining the image of the hospital. He also advised all alumni to be friendly nurses and give the best impression to patients.

“Never forget that everything that happens is a coincidence. Even the yellowing leaves that fall have been arranged by Allah,” said Prof. Dr. Ah Yusuf S SKp MKes, dean of FKp UNAIR.


Author: Rosita

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Source : https://unair.ac.id/gelar-sumpah-ners-dekan-fkp-berikan-pengabdian-terbaik/

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