DPKKA Explains Tips for Drafting CVs to Pass Job Interviews Tuesday, 21 May 2024 10:59

UNAIR NEWS - Directorate of Career Development, Entrepreneurship Incubation and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held another seminar with Pertamina In 2 Me. Hary Kuswanto, as Sr Ananlyst I HCBP PT Pertamina (Persero), and Ade Barkah, as Internal Relation and BOD Support Assistant Manager PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia, attended the event. Hary and Ade gave tips and tricks in preparing curriculum vitae (CV) to pass job interviews.

The seminar in the form of mentoring, CV review, and interview simulation was opened by the Director of DPKKA UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Elly Munadziroh drg MS. The event took place at Joint Lecture Building GC6.12 6th floor, MERR-C Campus UNAIR on Thursday, May 2, 2020.


Tips for Developing a CV
This seminar is a continuation program of DPKKA's Forum Group Discussion and Study Case with Pertamina some time ago. The seminar invited participants to review their CVs to find out whether they have met the standards or not. Hary said that the CV is an important part of the application, so he reminded participants not to underestimate the CV standards.

“CV is the initial selection stage, so if there is a writing error then it is borne by the applicant. In the CV there is no typo normalization. Because this is related to the existing data and the position or purpose of the applicant,” he said.

The part that often makes mistakes in CVs is the inclusion of identity. Instead of including an email, applicants often include their home address. He also urges applicants to include a number that is actually active.

In addition, he constantly reminds applicants not to be careless when applying for a job. Again, he said, applicants must look at the requirements of the application or vacancy before applying, such as status, experience, majors, skills, and others.

In line with Hary, Ade Barkah added, “In the CV, don't make things up, include what it is, as true as possible so that it makes it easier at the next stage. On the other hand, so that the company does not have high expectations of the applicant's CV.”

Nowadays, when applying for a job, social media will be taken into consideration. This is a benchmark for describing the applicant's profile or identity. “Avoid things that seem excessive, such as social media usernames. Then, the email listed when applying, posts on social media, and others,” he added.


How to Conquer Interviews
Applicants' failure in interview sessions is often a mystery. Often participants have passed the score, CV, and other files, but fail during the interview session. Both Ade and Hary agree that there are tips and tricks in interviews, one of which is practice.

Both added that stuttering when speaking and irregular eye direction during the interview should be avoided because it becomes a separate assessment point. Answering and handling the interview stage in addition to gestures in speaking, which must be another is how to answer which has its own tricks, namely the STAR + L formula. S means situation; T means task; A means action; R means results; and L means learning.

“The explanation of the formula is a form of approach during the interview. So the applicant's answer during the interview at least covers these points. This also helps applicants so that when answering questions they don't get lost everywhere,” Ade added.


Author: Annisa Nabila

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Source : https://unair.ac.id/dpkka-kupas-tips-susun-cv-hingga-lolos-wawancara-kerja/

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