Graduates and Alumni Express Proudness of UNAIR's 308th World Ranking Improvement Monday, 01 July 2024 14:16

UNAIR NEWS - Graduation is one of the most anticipated moments since becoming a student. On Saturday (6/15/2024) the most anticipated moment was experienced by 1,029 graduates of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). The 242nd graduation ceremony took place at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), MERR-C Campus.

In the series of events, a History student named Muhammad Fachrizal Hamdani was the representative of the graduates to give a speech. As for alumni representatives, Dendi Gustinandar SE MM, who currently serves as Chairman of the Airlangga University Alumni Association (IKA) PW Riau Islands, also gave his speech.


Encourage Writing as a Process of Spreading the Seeds of Kindness
For Fachrizal, as a History major, writing is a must. According to him, without writing humans will disappear from history. However, this does not apply only to students from certain study programs, but all students must become pioneers in writing.

"Writing is also a bridge of knowledge to the world community. People can be clever as high as the sky, but as long as they don't write they will disappear from history," he said.

On that occasion, Fachrizal invited all graduates to love writing. "Believe me, the impact will be enormous in this world and the hereafter. Because, it can be a jariyah charity and part of history later," he said.

At the end of his speech, Fachrizal also mentioned UNAIR's achievement which reached 308th in the world. As a student who will also become an alumni, this achievement is a sweet fruit at the end of his journey as a student.


Alumni Message to Always Work
Meanwhile, one of the IKA UNAIR representatives Dendi Gustinandar SE M Mn also delivered a message to the graduates. Dendi also highlighted UNAIR's world ranking which is 308th in the world. One of the things that caught his attention was the reputation of UNAIR alumni.

"I see there is one indicator in the ranking, namely the reputation of alumni. Globally UNAIR is ranked 80th and at the national level 2nd," he said. For Dendi, it confirms UNAIR's commitment in producing outstanding and professionally recognized human resources.

"I urge (alumni, ed) to continue to work their best and show that UNAIR produces excellent graduates with morality," he concluded.


Writer: Afifah Alfina

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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