Best Dedication in the Midst of Busy Service Tasks Monday, 08 July 2024 15:47

"Never get tired of being a person who is good at being grateful, because every blessing that exists is a great gift from Allah,"


UNAIR NEWS - Being a doctoral student is not easy, besides studying, Aristianto Budi Sutrisno also serves as Head of Traffic Police of Malang City. In the midst of Aris' busy schedule in carrying out official duties in the police, he also managed to complete his graduate school studies and was named the best graduate in period 242 with a GPA of 3.88. He completed his studies for 3 years and 1 month.

"Alhamdulillah, of course I am very grateful to Allah SWT, as well as the blessings of both parents so that I can complete my PSDM S3 study well, especially with this predicate which is certainly a motivation for me to continue working as an Airlangga Knight," he said.


Studying Amidst the Demands of Service Duties
Aris's toughest challenge during his studies was the intersection of activity schedules between studying and duties in the police. Especially at important times such as international events, to the security period of the last presidential election. But he was able to overcome it nicely.

"I kept discussing regularly to establish communication with friends and lecturers, and made discussion groups so that I was motivated to finish my studies immediately," he said.

One of his memorable experiences was the publication of a book by Aris entitled Smart Traffic Policing; A Strategy Model for Smart Handling of Traffic Accidents Based on Information Technology which is also in line with his research.

"Research on smart policing is also still very minimal in international journals," he added.

Since the beginning of his study, Aris has predicted that his research would be bored. Behind the boredom, there is the figure of his wife and children who always encourage him, making Aris remain optimal in maintaining his role as a student as well as a member of the National Police.


Impressions and Messages
Not being shy to ask questions is Aristianto's biggest asset in pursuing his doctoral studies. Support from professors, lecturers, and friends also contributed to his success in achieving the title of best graduate. He advised Ksatria Airlangga not to delay work.

"Do not postpone work or assignments, because there will be additional tasks every day either from the office or lectures," he said.


Author: M Naqsya R

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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