Joint Graduation, Blitar Police Chief and Wife Graduate from Graduate School Monday, 08 July 2024 15:53

UNAIR NEWS - The 242nd graduation ceremony of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) was a happy moment for the graduates. The happy moment was also felt by Blitar Police Chief AKBP Wiwit Adisatria who officially became a graduate along with his wife, Angga Atma Proboningrum.

Both of them attended the graduation ceremony held on Saturday, June 15, 2020 at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), MERR-C Campus UNAIR. AKBP Wiwit successfully completed his doctoral degree in Human Resource Development along with his wife who graduated from the master program in Human Resource Development.

"Our feelings are certainly happy and proud to be a part of Universitas Airlangga and hold a graduation together. We will also join the UNAIR Alumni Association. So, it is certainly an honor for both of us," said AKBP Wiwit.


Motivation to Continue Education
AKBP Wiwit said that initially he intended to enroll in other institutions because he was carrying out official duties in East Kalimantan. However, in early 2020, he was assigned to East Java and chose UNAIR because he wanted to develop knowledge in the field of human resource development (PSDM).

"Because I was given the opportunity to serve in East Java, I decided to develop my capacity and knowledge by registering for a doctoral program at S3 PSDM UNAIR. After going through the process, I feel that I have gained a lot of new knowledge thanks to meeting other great people at Universitas Airlangga."

AKBP Wiwit then said that she learned a lot by meeting other officials and entrepreneurs who were also studying at PSDM UNAIR. This, he continued, is something to be very grateful for. Because, thanks to enrolling in a doctoral program, he got a lot of new knowledge and lessons that are useful in the future.


Overcoming the Challenge of Busyness
AKBP Wiwit admitted that the biggest challenge while studying and working is time management. "Of course, managing time is a challenge in itself. I once slept at a gas station because my office activities were quite busy and I had to discuss with my mentor to complete my assignments," said AKBP Wiwit.

These sacrifices did not necessarily make AKBP Wiwit give up on continuing his education. He managed to fulfill his promise to complete his research before being appointed as Blitar Police Chief. He said that the challenges he went through while at UNAIR were a sacrifice that was worth the knowledge and experience gained.

"Challenges and obstacles will always exist, but the most important thing is that we must not give up. We must continue to try and move to complete what we have started at the beginning, both in daily life and in dealing with lecture life, "concluded AKBP Wiwit.

AKBP Wiwit and his wife congratulated all UNAIR graduates at the 222nd Graduation Ceremony. They hope that the knowledge that the graduates get can be useful for the wider community.


Writer: Adinda Aulia Pratiwi

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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