Misutarno's busy schedule doesn't stop him from completing his education Monday, 08 July 2024 16:01

"Discipline and motivation are key"

UNAIR NEWS - Graduation period 242 of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) was an important event for Misutarno's educational journey. Graduating with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.98, he managed to complete his studies in 3 years and 8 months and became the best graduate of doctoral level, Faculty of Nursing Science (FKp) UNAIR.

For Misutarno, each level of education has its own focus and difficulties. During his doctoral level, he had to think coherently, argumentatively, uphold objectivity, and scientific honesty. "During my doctoral degree, I was always required to think more coherently and argumentatively. This made me experience difficulties at the beginning of my studies, when I was still hesitant to determine a research topic, find a solution idea, and how to publish it," Misutarno explained.

In addition to academic difficulties, Misutarno also faced various responsibilities that he had to do. From being a nurse at RSUD Dr. Sutomo Surabaya, a lecturer at Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya (UNUSA), to his responsibilities as secretary of DPW PPNI East Java. "I had difficulties because I had to divide my time between work and lectures," he said.


Always Serious
Despite his difficulties, Misutarno believes education is the key to success. From elementary school to doctoral level, he has always taken his education seriously. "Discipline and motivation are things that must be possessed by a student because they determine the final result of a learning process. During my doctoral program, I saw that even though students entered at the same time, when they graduated it depended on their discipline and motivation," he explained.

Misutarno's closest people also had a positive influence during the study process. His children and wife always motivated him to keep his spirits up and never give up. "I am grateful to have a family that continues to support me. Even though sometimes it feels difficult, I am always enthusiastic thanks to the support from my family," he added.

Misutarno expressed his gratitude to Prof Dr Nursalam M Nurs (Hons) as the promoter and Head of Study Program (Kaprodi) S3 Nursing Science and Prof Dr Tintin Sukartini SKp MKes who have helped in completing the study. "I am very grateful to Prof. Nursalam and Prof. Tintin who have helped me sincerely. Hopefully my knowledge can be useful for the wider community," he concluded.


Author: Rizal Abdul Aziz

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

Source : https://unair.ac.id/kesibukan-tak-jadi-penghalang-tuntaskan-pendidikan/

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