Strengthening Alumni Network in Media, DPKKA Holds Alumni Gathering Monday, 05 August 2024 10:58

UNAIR NEWS - Directorate of Career Development, Incubation, Entrepreneurship, and Alumni (DPKKA) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an event entitled "Gathering Alumni with Careers in Media" on Monday, July 29, 2020. Alumni from various batches and study programs attended the event which took place in Room 301 3rd floor Kahuripan Building, Management Office, MERR-C Campus UNAIR.

Attending the event, Vice Rector for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto Drh DEA said that based on QS World University Rankings, UNAIR is currently ranked 308th in the world and 4th in Indonesia.

Prof. Bambang added that the relationship between alumni is very important for UNAIR's current achievements. According to him, the relationship between the previous and the latest batches must be maintained. In order to create harmonization between UNAIR and alumni who specifically work in the media field.


"Of course, UNAIR's current achievements cannot be separated from the role of alumni who have a positive impact. This is in line with UNAIR's SMART University program, which is sustainable. Graduates who are increasingly relevant and of high quality will also create excellent alumni in the world of work, especially the media, "said Prof. Bambang.

Meanwhile, DPKKA Director Prof. Dr. Elly Munadziroh drg MS revealed that this event was expected to establish a more harmonious relationship between media alumni and UNAIR. This Alumni Gathering is also expected to expand the network of alumni who are specialized in media.

"We hope that through this activity, UNAIR can further expand its network to alumni, so that UNAIR graduates can network optimally. We also hope that this activity can be a forum for various thoughts and suggestions for us from UNAIR and Alumni, "said Prof. Elly.

One of the main objectives of this activity is to gather various inputs from alumni who have careers in the media. This input is very important to reach alumni more widely and effectively. In addition, publications related to alumni are also more affordable with this activity.


The activity continued to the sharing session led by the Head of UNAIR Center for Communication and Public Information (PKIP), Dr. Martha Kurnia Kusumawardani as the lighter. In the session, Amir Tejo, an alumnus who is also the leader of media argued that news in the national media about UNAIR alumni could be intensified. "It is important if the information intake can be more intense, considering that there are many outstanding alumni from UNAIR," said Amir.

Also present was a senior journalist, Maksum. He revealed that what will be presented in the media is not just a release, but must be able to become a reference for social construction and positive opinions for the community. "The role of big media is also needed in publication to make it more comprehensive," he added.


Author: Ragil Kukuh Imanto

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

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