Khofifah Inaugurates Bondowoso Branch of IKA UNAIR Management Tuesday, 20 August 2024 12:34

UNAIR NEWS - Chairperson of Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA UNAIR) Khofifah Indar Parawansa inaugurated the Bondowoso branch of IKA UNAIR on Tuesday, August 6, 2020. Also attending the event at Raden Bagus Assra Hall were Director of Entrepreneurship & Alumni Development (DPKKA) UNAIR Prof. Elly Munadziroh drg Ms, Chairman of IKA UNAIR Bondowoso Branch Dr. Moch Jasin MKes, and PJ Regent of Bondowoso Muhammad Hadi Wawan Guntoro.

Launching from, Khofifah Indar Parawansa in her speech advised that all ranks are ready to give the best service to the alma mater and also to the community, as well as congratulating the inaugurated board. “For Mr. Jasin, congratulations on his inauguration today, although since before he was inaugurated there have been quite a lot of activities carried out, thank you. I hope IKA UNAIR Bondowoso will continue to serve the community, nation and state wholeheartedly,” he said.


The Importance of Human Development Index (HDI)
Khofifah hopes that IKA UNAIR Bondowoso can synergize with relevant stakeholders including the Regency Government to participate in leveraging the Human Development Index (HDI) in Bondowoso Regency. “There is a disparity in HDI from one region to another. Leveraging HDI is not like selling fried bananas. But leveraging HDI requires a long process and there are many aspects that we need to improve,” Khofifah said.

Khofifah added that one of the problems related to HDI is the way BPS measures. for example, BPS measures HDI with formal education certificates as a benchmark. Whereas in Bondowoso Regency there are quite a lot of salaf pesantren, while certificates from salaf pesantren are not counted as formal education certificates except after accreditation.

“I have conveyed this to Mr. President. Of course, we hope that there will be a change in the way the Central Bureau of Statistics measures the Human Development Index. Because in East Java there are many Islamic boarding schools. Children who go to school there to learn salaf education, but are not included in the BPS count even though they are in school and their socio-economic status is relatively good,” said Khofifah.


Khofifah has even written to the Minister of Education and Culture so that salaf pesantren certificates can get accreditation opportunities with certain specifications. But until now this has not been successful. “HDI is a very important part. Especially when there is currently a lot of discourse discussing the golden generation in Indonesia Emas 2045. So we cannot leave IPM behind,” he said.

UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak has also made concepts and thoughts of UNAIR towards Advanced Indonesia 2034, which is an acceleration of Golden Indonesia 2045. This concept discusses how Indonesia can become a developed country faster. The indicator is not only HDI but also per capita income reaching USD 13,000, not only that, the aspect of economic growth must reach seven percent and also in terms of investment and other aspects.

Khofifah hoped that IKA UNAIR Bondowoso in the future can take a role to improve HDI and the quality of human resources in Bondowoso Regency. Collaboration and synergy with strategic stakeholders are possible. “Keep up the spirit, bring the spirit of UNAIR to serve for Bondowoso, for East Java and for Indonesia,” Khofifah concluded.


Synergy with Bondowoso Regency
Launching from, in his speech Dr. Moch Jasin thanked UNAIR for educating and shaping the alumni to be successful. He also thanked Khofifah Indar Parawansa as Chairperson of IKA UNAIR for attending.

Dr. Moch Jasin added that IKA UNAIR Bondowoso has done a form of synergy with the community by holding a social service in Ijen Sempol. There were 8 services for the community in Ijen Sempol. There were 302 livestock examined by UNAIR Bondowoso alumni and 100 people received health services. “The social service is in collaboration with Dispendukcapil, Health Office, Health Center, RSDK, and others,” he added.

PJ Regent of Bondowoso Muhamad Hadi Wawan Guntoro appreciated the arrival of IKA UNAIR Chairperson Khofifah Indar Parawansa. “Maturnuwun Mrs. Khofifah. Mrs. Khofifah is also an alumnus of UNAIR. I am also a UNAIR alumnus,” he said. PJ regent added that Bondowoso is a district rich in natural resources such as coffee center in Ijen Sempol, Wonosari organic rice. In addition, the rainbow forest natural tourism area, wurung crater, and ijen crater.


Author: Ragil Kukuh Imanto


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