The Story of Imran's Struggle, UNAIR Alumnus who Headed the Directorate General of Mental Health Kemenkes RI Monday, 07 October 2024 15:08


UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has successfully produced alumni who take part in various fields. One of the UNAIR alumni who took part in the government is Dr. Imran Pambudi MPHM, an alumnus of Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR.


Started his Career as a General Practitioner
Imran, his nickname, went through a long journey to this position. Long story short, Imran started his career as a non-permanent general practitioner (PTT) in Sampang, East Java from 1999 to 2005.

“At that time there was an aid project from the World Bank on maternal and child health, I became a consultant on the project at that time. After it was finished, I was asked to move to the Ministry of Health, because it was the BKKBN and the Ministry of Health that managed this project,” he said.

Imran moved to the Ministry of Health and worked at the Directorate of Family Health, which handles programs to improve maternal and child health. “There were many activities, one of which was how to improve the quality of health services for mothers and children,” he says.

After that, Imran had the opportunity to serve as Head of Multilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of Health in 2016. Imran has a lot of contact with world organizations such as WHO and the United Nations. He also often participates in international activities across continents. In fact, Imran and his team successfully organized the Global Health Security Conference Annual Meeting 2018 in Bali.


Tackling Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Imran had the opportunity to serve as Head of Tuberculosis Sub-Directorate at the Directorate of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2018. “Many things were challenging at that time. Including how to improve the quality of health services for people with TB, make the best program for them, and improve some things that needed to be improved at that time,” he said.

Imran transitioned to the Head of Sub-Directorate of Health Quarantine of the Indonesian Ministry of Health during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which was then spreading, making Imran and his team have a lot of homework. “Our task at that time was how to keep people from abroad screened so as not to transmit Covid-19. At that time we also had the opportunity to take part in the G20 event, so we were responsible for the health quarantine of the guests who attended. Alhamdulillah, it went well,” he explained.


Head of the Directorate of Mental Health
Imran was promoted to Director of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control at the Ministry of Health in 2022. He is in charge of managing 18 existing infectious diseases. Thanks to his dedication to work, the coverage of improvement programs in infectious diseases has increased. Imran's work in the work is no doubt. No doubt, if afterwards Imran was trusted to serve as Director of Mental Health (Keswa) Kemenkes RI in 2024 at the Directorate General of Public Health.

Furthermore, Imran said that he wanted to expand his work in the health sector. He hopes that with this spirit, he can improve the health status of many people. He also wants to take part not only in Indonesia but globally. “I want to be in a more strategic position at the Ministry of Health or take part in strategic positions globally, for example WHO or other international organizations. If the opportunity is there, I want to take part there, I want to show that Indonesians are capable,” she hoped.


Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

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