KIP-K Student Gathering, UNAIR Presents Inspirational Stories of Alumni and Leaders Monday, 07 October 2024 15:11

UNAIR NEWS - Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is committed to ensuring smooth education for every student. As the policy of UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak which states that UNAIR students should not withdraw from college due to financial problems. Therefore, coinciding with the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, UNAIR held a gathering with students receiving Indonesia Smart Card - College (KIP-K).


Proof of Commitment
The gathering took place on Saturday, August 17, 2020 at Garuda Mukti Hall and Amerta Room, MERR-C UNAIR Campus Management Office. Attending the event, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak along with university and faculty leaders.

UNAIR Rector said that in the 2024/2025 academic year, UNAIR provided 1,383 KIP-K quota for new students. The large quota is proof of UNAIR's commitment to helping students to study without experiencing financial problems.

To the students, Prof. Nasih also reminded them to never feel alone. Especially in facing various problems. “You will not walk alone. Because we are all brothers, relatives, together striving for one goal, which is to seek knowledge,” he said.


Inspirational Story

The gathering of KIP-K students also presented an inspiring UNAIR alumnus, Wayan Supadno. He is a successful agricultural entrepreneur. On that occasion, he invited the students present to instill an entrepreneurial spirit.

He said, there are four steps to become an entrepreneur. Among them are having intention, seriousness, variety, and learning science and technology. In addition, he also shared the key to success in becoming an entrepreneur. “The key word is the blessing of parents, because it is the most powerful heirloom so that God will take sides. And of course, always be grateful,” he said.

The figure who is familiarly called Pak Tani also advised the students not to be afraid to step up as entrepreneurs. “When you graduate, practice your knowledge in the community based on relentless morality,” he added.

In addition to Wayan's experience story, Prof. Nasih also provided an opportunity for the leaders. Starting from the deans to the directors, to convey the story of their ups and downs in achieving success. Not only that, the Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNAIR also provided an opportunity for students who attended to express their opinions or just tell interesting experiences.


Author: Yulia Rohmawati

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