FPK Alumnus Contains Young People's Aspirations Through Legislative Seats Thursday, 17 October 2024 09:24

UNAIR NEWS - Alumnus of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faris Abidin has made his way into politics. He was elected as a member of the Surabaya City Regional House of Representatives (DPRD). The 27-year-old man managed to get the majority of votes that led him to get a legislative seat from Surabaya electoral district II.

Faris, his nickname, said that at first he had no idea about pursuing a career in politics. However, over time he determined to try his luck in politics. His persistence and hard work proved to be able to deliver him to become a member of the Surabaya City DPRD.


Political Regeneration
Before entering politics, Faris claimed to have been quite active in several organizations. The various skills he gained during his participation in these organizations were then used as provisions in starting his political career. In addition, Faris is optimistic that the presence of young people in the political arena can bring change in the future.

“As the young generation, we inevitably have to be politically literate. All policies produced are political products that will have an impact on us as a society. Therefore, we as the younger generation should not hesitate to enter politics so that there is regeneration in government,” he said.

Faris emphasized that ideas from the younger generation can be a breath of fresh air in politics. Faris considers that the younger generation can make a big contribution to politics because the younger generation will be very flexible in making decisions. The demographic bonus is also a strong reason for the younger generation to enter the political arena.


Challenges in Politics
In carrying out his new duties as a people's representative, Faris admits that he is excited to be able to accommodate various aspirations from the community, to be brought into the government. Faris wants to directly accommodate the aspirations of the community and be able to provide real solutions to overcome them.

Despite being one of the youngest members of Surabaya's DPRD, Faris admits that this makes him even more motivated to give his best in his performance. “Although I work with more senior colleagues, I certainly have to prove. That even though my age is below theirs, I can keep up with my seniors in work,” he said.


A platform for young people
Faris revealed that in starting a political career, there needs to be a platform, both in the form of organizations and political parties to support a political career. It is hoped that young people who want to start a political career can develop communication, negotiation and critical thinking skills that will be useful in pursuing a career as a politician.

“From the experience in joining organizations and parties, we can make capital to develop a political career. We must not be inferior even though we have rivals who are senior enough above us. This mindset is important so that we can gradually eliminate the inferior attitude that will close our potential,” he concluded.


Author: Rifki Sunarsis Ari Adi

Editor: Yulia Rahmawati

Source : https://unair.ac.id/alumnus-fpk-wadahi-aspirasi-anak-muda-lewat-kursi-legislatif/

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