UNAIR NEWS - In commemoration of its 70th anniversary, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a Dies Natalis session on Monday, November 11, 2020 at Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Management Office, MERR-C Campus. In the session, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, delivered several important and strategic points at the age of UNAIR 70.
“It's been ten years since I chaired this anniversary session, and this is the last session I chaired. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to convey the achievements and strategies of Universitas Airlangga,” said Prof. Nasih.
UNAIR was established on November 10, 1964, and after 70 years of existence, continued Prof. Nasih, UNAIR managed to fly high by being ranked 308 in the world. For this achievement, UNAIR also managed to become a campus that won the Most Improved University in Asia in QS ranking.
In his speech, the UNAIR Rector also expressed his gratitude that whatever achievement was made was thanks to the grace of Allah SWT. And his gratitude to the parties involved.
GOLDEN Ladder Strategy
Prof. Nasih said that the establishment of UNAIR was also a manifestation of the great ideals of the founding fathers. UNAIR has a strategic role to encourage national development by creating a smart generation. This is in accordance with Indonesia's ideals to promote general welfare, educate the nation's life, and contribute to world peace.
“To achieve this welfare, it must be a slow process. It's not possible to jump straight away. This is where I want to introduce the GOLD ladder, which starts with E, namely educated people,” he explained.
From the GOLD ladder scheme introduced by UNAIR Rector, educated people are the first rung. Educated people does not only mean length of schooling. But also the quality of learning which includes PISA score, Human Development Index (HDI), number of S2 and S3 students, and Innovation Capacity.
Prof. Nasih emphasized that a well-educated people means that the students have good logic and critical thinking, so that they can contribute greatly to national development. Then, Prof. Nasih also explained that the whole process must be sustainable, after the E component, namely educated people, it is necessary to fulfill the M, A, and S points.
The Trident of Resources
Furthermore, in achieving social welfare, from an economic point of view, Indonesia needs to combine three components of resources, known as the Trident of Resources. These three components are natural resources, human resources and financial resources in a proportional manner.
In its development, human resources are the main determinant and progress of justice and welfare. If human resources are weak, then the progress of national development will be controlled by the owners of capital.
“Therefore, as a form of making quality human resources, the mission of UNAIR is to participate in creating national progress, by producing logical, critical and innovative scholars. UNAIR is also determined to create many masters who produce new works and patents, as well as great doctors and researchers, “he hoped.
Author: Febriana P N A
Editor: Yulia Rohmawati
Source : https://unair.ac.id/rektor-unair-tekankan-strategi-tangga-emas-pada-sidang-dies-natalis-ke-70/